Friday, March 7, 2008

Our Favorite Pastime

With baseball season upon us, it gets me thinking about what baseball is really about. I think it has been over-complicated through the years (and I'm not talking about steroids and money and all that trite crap). The game itself is too complicated.

When you think about it, baseball is nothing more than throwing and catching a ball. All the other stuff involved - hitting, running, stealing bases, scoring, fielding - gets in the way of what baseball is truly meant to be. Throwing and catching a ball is the game. Everything else is a "game within a game."

Why not eliminate all that stuff in between and just leave the game as it was intended to be? Two people throwing and catching a ball back and forth to each other. No batters, no fielders, no coaches, no stats, no score. Just two people throwing the ball back and forth. That is pure sport right there and it doesn't have to be interesting. People might watch; they might not. That's not the point. The point is that there is no point.

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