I got a ticket today for an expired inspection sticker. So, again, I decided to write a letter. (See my entry for September 9th called "Forgive me Mayor for I have sinned" for my previous letter to the folks at the New York City Department of Finance.) http://gentryornot.blogspot.com/2007/09/forgive-me-mayor-for-i-have-sinned.html
Here is the letter I am about to mail out today.
To Whom It May Concern:
First of all I would like to wish everyone at the New York City Department of Finance a happy New Year.
I also wish to plead not guilty for this parking violation issued on January 15, 2008 at 1:32 p.m. for my company vehicle in the amount of $65 for an expired inspection sticker opposite 131 Joralemon St. in Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Extenuating circumstances have prevented me from getting my vehicle inspected in a timelier manner. It completely slipped my mind between the holidays, chemotherapy and a trip to Florida to visit my ailing father.* I can provide documentation from my oncologist if necessary.
In addition, I would like you to take into consideration the fact that my vehicle was, indeed, parked legally at the time and I should be rewarded for finding a legal, available space in the lovely neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights, which we all know can be a Herculean task during the bustling work week.
I would like you to know that I got my vehicle inspected immediately after the ticket was issued and it passed with flying colors.**
I have not included payment because I feel as though the ticket was not just.
Thank you very much for understanding my situation and please take my adverse circumstances into consideration when ruling my case.
(my name)
I hope it works this time because it sure as shit didn't the last time.
I went to get my vehicle inspected shortly after and it passed despite the cracked rear taillight and dangerously worn rear brake pads*** because I'm a good customer. I go there even though the gas is 20 cents more expensive than anyone else, but, not to sound like a hipster, it pays to support local independently owned businesses.
The fact that they "took care of me" at the gas station/inspection station made me feel like a part of the community. It's a good feeling.
*My father is not ailing but I did visit him down there for a week of fun in the sun and margaritas. However, in the interest of full disclosure, he does experience uric acid buildup from time to time which is one of the leading causes of the gout.
**Well, not exactly "flying colors."
***I treat the thing like crap.
UPDATE: The fine has since dropped from $65 to $43 as a result of my letter. I can either accept this or let the judge make a ruling on the case which could risk the fine going back up to $65. I think I'll take the plea and just pay it, although as my late boss used to say, "No horse is too dead to beat."
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