Friday, February 1, 2008

Cat's In The Cradle

The first time I realized that my father was a little strange was when we got our cat, Misty, and he said, "Maybe one of these days, we'll take Misty out for a ride so she can see a little bit of the countryside."

I was about five at the time and I was in his study when he proposed this idea and I remember thinking to myself that it was a strange thing to say. I was dumbfounded and just said "That's a great idea, dad," something I still do to this day when he says something off-kilter like that. Just like when he wanted to buy a little villa in Tuscany a few years ago and when he had the idea to invest in some Roy Rogers franchises. Most recently, he said that maybe he'd get a little fishing pole and learn how to fish in the artificial lake in his gated Florida community.* "Just for fun," he said. I just can't see that happening. But I said "That's a great idea, dad," just as I had 20 years prior and as I will continue to do throughout my life. No one's feelings need to be hurt.

We did, in fact, try to take our beautiful Calico out for a ride and she urinated on the seat of his brand new navy blue 1988 Audi 5000 before we even left the house and that was the end of that. I guess she didn't want to go.

Misty lived to the ripe old age of 19, but never got to see the bucolic countryside of New Jersey besides what was outside the windows she perched herself on in our home. (We had some nice views.) We did take her to our shore house during the summers, but the Garden State Parkway didn't provide for the lush scenery that she had been promised. (Maybe the Pine Barrens were enough for her.)

She had her own ocean views from the window sills upstairs in the shore house, but she hated it down there due to a lack of square footage and luxurious surroundings she had grown accustomed to in our regular house. It was a simple Cape Cod style house with modest "beachy" furnishings.

Someday when I get a cat of my own, I'll try to take her for a ride to see the more urban areas so she can get a taste of diversity. I'll just make sure that we bring someone else's car.

*This may not sound so strange to you, but if you know my father, trust me you would raise your eyebrows at the sight of him trying to fish.

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